Back pain Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Low Back Pain

Nearly 80% of Americans will experience lower back pain during their lifetime. Of these, 3% to 4% of are temporarily disabled and 1% of the working-aged population will become disabled completely or permanently. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office exceeded only by upper-respiration infections.

Studies show that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily but will most likely return. Chiropractic spinal manipulation (adjustment) is a safe and effective treatment for various types of back pain. It reduces pain, decreases the use of medication, and rapidly advances the positive effects of exercise therapies.

How Our Doctors Can Help You

If you visit Provance Chiropractic clinic because you are experiencing back pain:

You’ll receive a thorough examination by our doctors to determine the structure(s) involved

If the structures are identified to be joint biomechanical imbalances or spinal disc injury, specific chiropractic manipulation (adjustments) can be performed

We utilize physical modalities such as Interferential Current, Electric Muscle Stimulation, and Ultrasound Therapy to treat the affected region(s), to help diminish pain, swelling and muscle spasms 

A proper rehabilitation program is necessary to strengthen the muscles for optimal support and to prevent recurrent episodes of pain

Our doctors will discuss proper workplace ergonomics and activities of daily living to help decrease unnecessary stressors on your back

Did you know?

A patient information article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested chiropractic care as an option for people suffering from low back pain, noting that surgery is usually not needed and should only be tried if other therapies fail. 

Radiculitis (Radicular Pain, Neuritis, and Sciatica)


This condition often involves back pain along with a persistent pain running down the arm or leg. The pain may be described as tingling, numbness, pins-and-needles, a dull ache, or burning. You may also feel accompanying spasms, locking joints, and local pain in the neck or back. Symptoms can be sudden or gradual, and the condition can worsen with prolonged sitting, sneezing, coughing, bending, or other sudden movements. It becomes more alarming when there is a loss of reflexes and/or muscle weakness present.

How Our Doctors Can Help You

80% to 90% of patients with sciatica will recover without surgical intervention. At times this condition will be co-managed with another healthcare physician. Our doctors will assist with a helpful treatment plan.

Our doctors will perform a thorough history and examination to determine the extent of your injury. Diagnostic imaging, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scans can be ordered if necessary.

Chiropractic manipulation (adjustments) can help restore segmental motion, circulation of nutrients via blood flow, and improve healing of the spinal discs. Additional treatments offered include Leander Flexion-Distraction Table, physical modalities such as Interferential Current, Ultrasound Therapy, and specific spinal healing exercises (rehabilitation).  Our doctors can prescribe lumbar orthosis (back braces), TEN’s units, topical lotions and nutritional supplements.

Literature supporting chiropractic care for lower back related leg pain can be found at here

Arthritis, Osteoarthritis (OA)


Common risk factors for OA are age, obesity, weakened muscles, injury, overuse and genetics. This disease affects the cartilage—the slippery tissue on the ends of bones that meet in a joint. When the cartilage breaks down and the joint space wears away, bone begins to rubs against bone, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion. This can happen in any joint of the body. In addition, the joint can become unstable and form bones spurs (called osteophytes) to help stabilize the region. When this happens to the spine, the bone spurs can grow toward the spinal cord and/or narrow holes of its exiting nerves. If the spinal cord and nerves are compromised, various signs and symptoms can occur.

The Symptoms of Arthritis

Complaints include morning pain and stiffness lasting less than 30 minutes, soreness after periods of overuse or sedentary positions, and the pain grows stronger in the evenings.  You may feel swelling, tenderness, and possibly a crunching sound or feeling in the joint. Additionally, the arms and legs may become numb and weak at times.

How Our Doctors Can Help You

Our doctors can help diagnosis this condition with a full history and examination, which may include an x-ray of your area(s) of complaint. Chiropractors can assist you with ways to manage the pain and improve the joints’ function through natural therapies. We may prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises, shoe inserts, braces, topical lotions, therapy machines for pain and muscle control, and chiropractic manipulation (adjustment) that can be of great benefit.

Spinal Disc Injuries

Spinal Disc

Someone with a spinal disc injury usually has had previous episodes of neck or lower back pain. However, this injury can be sudden, causing local seizing muscle spasms and can lead to accompanying radiating pain. This pain can occur in the neck or back and may accompany pain down the arm or leg.

What is a Herniated Disc

Abnormal intervertebral discs can be classified as dehydrated, bulged (bulging) or herniated (herniation). Herniated discs are commonly broken down into degrees of severity and are classified as:

  • Protruded (protrusion)
  • Extruded (extrusion)
  • Sequestered (sequestration)
  • In addition, aged and degenerated discs can be considered desiccated, meaning they have hardened and dried up. 

How Our Doctors Can Help You

Our treatments for disc conditions vary according to the degree of the injury.

  • Chiropractic manipulation (adjustments) of the region to restore segmental motion, circulation of nutrients via blood flow, and to improve healing of the disc 
  • Evidence suggests chiropractic manipulation (adjustments) combined with therapeutic exercise can help manage disc conditions
  • Our doctors may utilize the Leander Flexion Distraction Table, which aids in relief of spinal disc conditions.  Flexion-Distraction is designed to separate the joint surfaces and elongate the surrounding soft tissues
  • We also utilize physical modalities such as Interferential Current, Ultrasound Therapy, and specific spinal healing exercises (rehabilitation).
  • Additionally, our doctors can prescribe lumbar orthosis (back braces), TEN’s units, topical lotions and nutritional supplements.


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