Did you Know: Shoulder pain is second only to back pain for visits to a doctor. 

The good thing for you is that evidence-based chiropractors are extremely proficient at treating shoulder dysfunction better and faster than any other health care professional. 

  • Generally, non-traumatic shoulder pain can be attributed to two main factors that cause tissue injury:
  1. Loss of humeral inferior glide
  2. Decreased stabilization from the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizer muscles

Nearly 100% of non-traumatic shoulder pain is due to these two factors! 

Why this makes sense: The human body is made up of alternating sets of joints that are intended to either be mobile or stable. If you look at the picture below there’s an alternating between mobile joint and stable joints. In the case of the shoulder, you will notice two things. The scapula (shoulder blade) and the surrounding musculature is supposed to provide support for the glenohumeral joint


1.  If someone is getting shoulder pain or impingement like symptoms they likely lack motion of the joint into inferior glide

  • If you look at the photo below you can see that if the arm bone is being repeatedly slammed into the bursa and the supraspinatus tendon, inflammation and pain are likely to occur.
  • If someone is getting shoulder pain or impingement like symptoms it is likely that they lack motion of the joint into inferior glide


Our doctors at Provance Chiropractic and Dr. Rizer  specialize in adjustments that treat this dysfunction!


2. Your shoulder pain can also be caused by lack of stabilization from the scapulothoracic joint. 

Image result for scapulothoracic musculature

The main muscles that help stabilize the scapula are:

  • Serratus Anterior-Function: Keeps the scapula against the rib cage

  • Rhomboids-Function: Retracts (keeps back) the scapula

  • Lower Trapezius-Function: Plays a huge role in scapular movement

  • Middle Trapezius-Function: Retracts (keeps back) the scapula 

If a patient has a weakness or instability in these key muscle a condition called Scapular Dyskinesis can occur. 

  • Scapular Dyskinesis- altered scapular position and motion of the Scapula.

  • This issue can lead to shoulder impingement creating: 
    • Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy and resultant Rotator Cuff Tears.

The Doctors at Provance Chiropractic use a multifaceted approach to treat shoulder dysfunction

1. Joint Manipulation


Our doctors uses mobilization techniques called, "adjustments" to make sure that the bones of your shoulder are moving appropriately!

2. Manual Therapy (Graston Therapy)


Using techniques such as this help break up muscle trigger points in the tissues.

3. ADL (activities of daily living) advice

Our doctors at Provance Chiropractic can help modify different activities in your life that may be aggravating or causing your shoulder condition.


4. Shoulder Rehabilitation exercises

Image result for shoulder rehab

Our doctors have advanced training in muscular rehabilitation programs, so that we can create custom shoulder rehabilitation programs for you. The goal for our rehab programs is to provide proper stabilization to areas that need to be strengthened and providing stretching and movement to areas that need more function/movement.

If you are having shoulder pain that is non-traumatic in origin it is likely that the factors listed above may be contributing to your condition. Our Doctors at Provance Chiropractic are very effective at treated shoulder injuries and would love to help you get back to a happy pain free life.

If you have any questions regarding shoulder pain or shoulder dysfunction in general feel  free to contact us at:

Phone: 504-456-9296



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