5 Tips to Stay Healthy When 

                       Working from Home

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More people work remotely from home and spend less time in the office. Creating healthy habits can enhance your experience of working from home.   


1. Get Social with Your Co-workers  

By nature, we are designed to have human interaction. Now that you work from home, you are alone and spend less time with your co-workers. Being alone more frequently can cause social isolation and negatively affect your mental health.   

Embrace opportunities to interact with co-workers. Participate in in-person activities when available. Also, connect through social media platforms and on virtual calls. When making virtual calls- TURN YOUR CAMERA ON! It's essential to our overall well-being to see each other's faces!  

2. Work-Life Balance 

Many people feel more productive when working from home because of fewer daily interruptions. However, it is vital to set clear boundaries between work and home life.   

Designate specific office hours to complete office work, read emails, make work calls, and virtual meetings. When your work day is complete, make a conscious effort to shut it down. Turn the computer off, forward work calls to voicemail, and mentally close the door to your office until the next day.   


3. Dedicated Work Space  

A dedicated workspace can help put you in the mindset that you are at work now, not at home. Utilize an extra room in your home as your office or create an office nook area. Make this space a separate place away from your family activities. The designated office space will help you keep your work-life organized and detached from your home life.   


4. Stay Motivated   

Working remotely may allow you to wake up later in the morning since you do not need to get dressed and travel into the office. But at the same time, this can cause you to feel less motivated.   

Allow yourself enough time to prepare for your day as if you were in the office. Get out of bed, shower, get dressed, fix your hair, eat breakfast, and go to work. Treat it as if it were a workday in the office. Maintaining your routines as if you were going to the office can help increase your overall well-being.   


5. Improve Back and Joint Pain  

Your workspace should be ergonomically friendly. Sitting for an extended period can cause back and joint pain. In addition, working from the sofa or bed can negatively affect our musculoskeletal system. 

Design your office space to promote good sitting and computer posture, prevent injury, and have items within reach. Consider using an electric adjustable desk that allows you to transition easily from sitting to standing. 0594786001705162937.jpg

It is equally important to keep moving throughout your working day. It's recommended to change from sitting to standing every 30- 60 minutes. If you have time, take a quick walk around the block during the day. Getting up and moving around increases blood flow and oxygen to your body.   







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