back pain

Spinal decompression at Provance Chiropractic Sports & Wellness is an FDA-approved therapy our Metairie, LA, chiropractor performs. The advanced treatment involves using traction to relieve chronic pain caused by disc herniation or compression of a spinal nerve. Read on to learn more about spinal decompression and how you may benefit from it.

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical pain-relief treatment that uses a motorized traction table or similar device to stretch the spine and increase the space the disc sits in. Traction creates negative pressure within a degenerating, bulging, or herniated disc and helps it to retract or reposition itself between the vertebrae.

The overall goal is to alleviate pain and provide a healing environment for the affected discs. Repositioning the disc also lifts the pressure off of the spinal nerve, which eases nerve pain and eliminates numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.

Conditions Decompression Therapy Can Relieve

Bulging or herniated discs in the back or neck may come into contact with a nearby nerve and irritate it. Nerve interference usually leads to swelling, inflammation, and pain. Patients experiencing low back pain, neck pain, or leg pain due to the following conditions can benefit from spinal decompression therapy:

  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Bulging or herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet syndrome
  • Posterior facet syndrome (worn spinal joints)

How Our Chiropractor in Metairie Performs Spinal Decompression

Our chiropractor will position the patient comfortably on the traction table, which is connected to a computer and monitor. The patient is asked to lie face up or face down, and a harness is placed around her hips. The lower half of the table will slide back and forth to allow traction and relaxation at specific intervals.

The spine is gently and gradually stretched during the session, which lasts about 40-45 minutes. Patients usually find the treatment painless and relaxing. Some even fall asleep during their sessions. It usually takes about three to five treatments per week over a four to six-week period to completely decompress and realign the spine. As the disc and nerve heal, you should notice less pain, increased mobility, and a sense of overall wellness.

To maximize healing, our chiropractor may use therapeutic massages, corrective exercises, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle advice in your personalized treatment plan.

Who Should Not Receive Decompression Therapy

Although spinal decompression is an effective treatment for persistent disc or nerve pain, decompression therapy is not recommended for individuals who:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have broken vertebrae
  • Had a spinal fusion
  • Suffered a failed back surgery
  • Have artificial discs or implants in their spine

Schedule a Spinal Decompression Session With Our Chiropractor in Metairie, LA

Our chiropractor at Provance Chiropractic Sports & Wellness will do a thorough evaluation before deciding if decompression therapy is safe for you. Call us today at (504) 456-9296 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.


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